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Platte Valley Bank Sponsors Bingo in Weston

May 21, 2014

On Tuesday, May 20th, Platte Valley Bank sponsored a bingo game at Weston Senior Center in Weston, MO. Ruth Anne DeSelms and her husband Jack opened Weston Senior Center on January 7th, 2014. The Center provides meals and fun activates for local seniors. They have bingo on the third Tuesday of every month. This was the first bingo game sponsored by Platte Valley Bank, but we plan to do several more.  This day, 15 people came to play bingo and eat lunch.

The Weston Senior Center offers adults age 60 and older to play games, socialize, have a meal, enjoy low-impact exercise on Tuesdays. Some months they even offer health screenings and hospice services. There are no residency requirements to participate.  The Weston Senior Center is located at 507 Main Street, Weston, MO. Meals on Wheels provides meals, but they must be reserved in advance. Meals are a $5.00 donation and can be reserved as late as the day before by calling 816-270-4100.





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