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Protect Your Information

Platte Valley Bank is committed to protecting your personal information. We've created a variety of important security tips to help you protect your personal and business financial information. It will also increase your level of online security.


  • Retrieve mail promptly and send bills and other sensitive documents from a secure mailbox.
  • Shred private documents such as receipts, applications, bank statements, etc. Sign up for online statements to prevent theft of paper documents.
  • Keep documents such as your social security card or passport in a secure area at home or in a safety deposit box.
  • Review your credit report at least once a year. PrivacyGuard monitors your credit file and notifies you of suspicious activities and signicant changes in your credit score.


Online, Email and Text Messages

  • Never share any personal information, especially Social Security Numbers, account numbers or login and information via email. Platte Valley Bank will never ask for personal infromation via email.
  • Beware of phishing emails - These emails tell you that you must use the provided link to verify or change your account in some way. Platte Valley Bank will never send an email asking you for this type of information.
  • Beware of suspicious text messages requesting your account information via your mobile device (e.g., cell phone, PDA, etc.). Platte Valley Bank will never send a text message to your mobile device asking you for this type of information.
  • Keep your passwords secret and do not leave them in an unsecured area; change them regularly for better protection.


Protect Your Computer

  • Install anti virus software to prevent viruses, and anti spam software to help prevent spam and junk email from entering your inbox.
  • Keep your computer operating system and Internet browser current to provide additional protection against fraud and theft.
  • Back up all sensitive information from your old computer before you discard and erase the hard drive.
  • Change your wireless network default password as well as the default SSID (name used to identify your network), don't broadcast your SSID and consider using encryption on your network.


Receive Security Alerts
If we have your primary email address, you will now automatically receive security alerts when certain events occur, like changes to your mailing address or Personal ID.

To Receive Security Alerts, Simply:

  • Provide or update your primary email address online within the Internet Banking Profile area;
  • Call 816-858-5400 during business hours or
  • Visit one of our eight convenient locations

Account and Security Alerts, another free service from Platte Valley Bank.

How PVB Bank Protects You
Your protection is the highest priority for us. Our tools and monitoring systems ensure your identity is safe.

  • Verification - for example, when you change your address, we request specific information about you to verify your identity before making any changes
  • Account monitoring - irregular account activity (multiple check orders, address changes, heavy withdrawals) prompts a phone call for information.
  • Fraud detection - we have account monitoring tools that recognize identity theft. We regularly receive information about known fraudulent addresses and phone numbers, and compare them to new account requests and account changes.


Additional Resources

  • Microsoft Security - find out about operating system updates and other software to protect your personal computer from viruses, and more.
  • National Cyber Security Alliance - this organization is a cooperative effort by government and organizations, including Platte Valley Bank, to help combat online fraud and identity theft.
  • Federal Trade Commission - read about how you can prevent identity theft and what to do if it happens.
  • - allows you to access your credit report from each of the three major credit
  • Direct Marketing Association - contact the DMA to help reduce unwanted mail or phone calls.

Customer Service

(816) 858-5400

24 Hour Telebanc

(816) 858-5000

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