Last Thursday, June 12th, Platte Valley Bank’s Outreach Committee volunteered at Camp Quality NWMO at Camp Farwesta in Stewartsville, MO. This is the 7th year the committee volunteered. This year, most of the volunteers help clean up after breakfast and prepare, serve, and clean up after a meatloaf lunch. Two volunteers also helped in the beauty shop.
After they volunteered, the group toured the rest of the camp. They found most of the children at the pool and a few in the field playing baseball with some members of the St. Joseph Mustangs baseball team.
Camp Quality NWMO provides year round support for children with cancer and their families. Their week-long camp is usually around the second week of June at Camp Farwesta, just outside Stewartsville, MO. Camp Quality NWMO began in 1986 with 40 campers and 40 companions. They now average 105 campers and 105 companions per year. This is the 28th anniversary of Camp Quality NWMO. To learn more about Camp Quality NWMO, please visit