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Lunch & Learn and Sculpture Tour in Dearborn, MO

May 09, 2014

Last week, the Prime 50 club went to Dearborn, MO for their monthly Lunch & Learn.

They met at Cooks Corner Café for lunch a speaker. The speaker was Lynn Cassity from the Mid-Continent Public Library in Dearborn, MO. Lynn spoke about the history of Dearborn, which included a replica of the Dearborn Democrat, a list of local business in 1912, old photographs from the town, facts about the railroad, and how Dearborn churches prepared meals for those that came to participate in the town fox hunts. To learn more about the history of Dearborn, please visit Dearborn’s Mid-Continent Public Library or go online at

After lunch, several Prime 50 members toured a local artist’s workshop. The local sculpture is world renowned artist Rhett Johnson. Rhett Johnson was born in 1955 in Bethany, MO. One of his largest and most famous sculptures is in the Ronald McDonald House in Chicago, IL. According to his website, he has public collections in 25 locations, 16 solo exhibits, and 16 group exhibitions. He has won several sculpting awards, and even held creative workshops and tours for Hallmark Card artists.

For more information on how to join the Prime 50 Club and attend Lunch & Learns, please call Linda Searcy at 816-746-7626.





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