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Helping Restock the Dearborn Food Bank

October 13, 2015

Platte Valley Banks Outreach Committee recently had the opportunity to volunteer at the Dearborn Community Food Network to help distribute food at their monthly Food Distribution.   One of our Dearborn employees knew the Dearborn Community Food Network always had a need for food, hygiene and paper products.  Our Dearborn employee remained in contact with the Dearborn Community Food Network board and it was determined they could use our help in September to assist with the boxing of food to be distributed to those in need.    Our Outreach Committee decided together that we would hold a Paper Drive to collect toilet paper, paper towels, and diapers.   The Bank collected paper products from September 1 – 15 and had an overwhelming response from our employees.  Platte Valley Bank employees donated nearly 100 rolls of paper towels, 300 rolls of toilet paper and 1100 diapers!

Thursday, September 17, nine employees volunteered to help distribute the food and paper products to the citizens that came to the center that day.  We spent 3-4 hours packing boxes with the items needed.  We packed boxes with pancake mixes, dinner meals, soups, canned vegetables/fruit, flour, sugar, pasta, laundry/dish soap, paper products, and much, much more.  Over 50 families were served with the food boxes as well as fresh produce and bread products.

It was a great afternoon.  We enjoyed working with the Dearborn Community Food Network Board which makes the distribution of food boxes to those in need possible.






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