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Merchant Services Q&A

Every business, no matter the size, needs the ability to process credit cards to grow their business. Platte Valley Bank offers the best solution to meet your business needs. We have competitive pricing and provide local service.

Here are a few Q&A that will help.

Q: My business is mobile. What options do I have? 

A: You have choices with Platte Valley Bank that will work for your business.

  • Mobile processing capabilities via Smartphone, Tablet and Laptop
  • Send receipts directly to your customer’s e-mail address
  • Voice to text and reverse phone lookup for inputting customer information


Q: I have more than one location for my business. Is there something that will work for me? 

A: Our terminals can support up to 10 locations.

  • Swipe Terminal - EMV chip and PIN


Q: I don’t have a storefront. I accept e-mail and phone orders. How can I securely process payments?

A: You will have peace of mind knowing you are protected with one of the following:

  • Personal Computer – attach card reader, internet based credit card application with no software needed
  • Integrate your website – Authorize.Net e-commerce leader, stable and reliable payment gateway, PCI fraud detection scan


Q: My business has low transaction volume. Do you have anything I can use for the occasional purchase?

A: We have a simple solution for you.

  • Dial Pay - call and enter your payment information


Q: How much can you save me over my current processing fees?

A: Let our experts take a look at you current statements and we’ll show you the savings.


Q: Who do I call for help?

A: Platte Valley Bank business experts are available to help, in addition to the 24-hour helpdesk.


Have more questions? 




Additional Helpful Information


Customer Service

(816) 858-5400

24 Hour Telebanc

(816) 858-5000

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