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Prime 50 Lunch & Learn with the Mayor

July 30, 2015

On Tuesday, July 28th, Prime 50 had their monthly Lunch & Learn at Tanner's in Platte City, Mo. Their guest speaker was Platte City Mayor, Frank Offutt. Mayor Offutt was engaging as he discussed successes and changes occurring in Platte City.

He boasted about the professionalism and skill of the City Works Department and all the work they have done in the past few years. He talked about the expansion of Kentucky Avenue to help with traffic around the I29 and 92 Hwy intersection as well as access to the new elementary school. He was excited about the final stages of the sidewalk surrounding the schools and the New Sewer Interceptor going in just south of Exit 19 where HH Hwy crosses I29.

The Prime 50 members who attended were able to ask questions about the changes and get direct answers. Thank you Mayor Offutt for all you do for Platte City. We appreciate you and your efforts.

For more information on Platte Valley Bank’s Prime 50 Club and their activities, please visit or call Linda at 816-746-7626.






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