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Prime 50 Lunch & Learn – Elder Financial Abuse

June 25, 2014

Yesterday, June 24, 2014, the Prime 50 Club members went to The Corner Café in Liberty, MO for their monthly Lunch & Learn. This month, their speaker was Sue Shultz, Platte Valley Bank’s Sr. Vice President/Chief Compliance Officer. Sue talked about what people should know about elder financial abuse. Elder financial abuse is the third most frequent type of abuse next to physical and mental abuse. It has become known as “the crime of the 21st century.” It has grown quickly, primarily due to the increase the number of senior citizens as well as people living longer.  The crime often goes unreported by the victim due to fear or embarrassment.

Don’t Be A Victim
Types of exploitation include identity theft, sweepstakes and lottery scams, account or debit card abuse, power of attorney abuse, bereavement scams, telemarketers, investment, and work from home scams. Be careful! Abuse can come from strangers, caregivers, family, and friends.

What To Do
1. Shred! Shred! Shred!
2. Do not let others pressure you
3. Keep your person information private or locked up
4. Check your credit report at least once a year at:

For more information about financial abuse and scams visit:

Missourians Stopping Adult Financial Exploitation, at www.,
Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services at: or call (573) 526-4542, or:

Call Platte Valley Bank @ 816-858-5400





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