October 26th, 2013
1:00 pm - 5:00 pm
Platte Valley Bank, Platte Cityhttp://mdc.mo.govPre-Register 816-244-0702 orAaron.Post@mdc.mo.govHunter Education OpportunityI am Conservation Agent, Aaron Post. I will be conducting a Missouri Hunter Education Skills Session at the Platte Valley Bank in Platte City on October 26th, 2013 from 1:00pm to 5:00pm. Students must be 11 years old to be certified. Students must complete the self-study portion of Hunter Education prior to the Skills Session. The self-study can be done one of two ways. It can be done on-line by visiting the department’s web site at http://mdc.mo.gov and navigating to the Hunter Education link. Upon the successful completion of the on-line course, the student will be able to print a confirmation page. That printed confirmation page must be brought to the Skills Session. The self-study can also be done by ordering a free Hunter Education book and completing the chapter review questions at the end of the book. The book can be ordered on-line by following the same links as above, or the book can be picked up at any MDC Regional Office. The completed book must be brought to the Skills Session.
Students must pre-register for the Skills Session. Since this is a private session, students must call me directly at (816) 244-0702 or e-mail me at Aaron.Post@mdc.mo.gov. I will need the student’s name, address, phone number, date of birth, and conservation identification number (if they have one).
Pre-registering for the skills test before you finish the written/web section is encouraged. The skills class fills up quickly.