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Honor Flight KC Flies Veterans to Washington

March 25, 2014


Today, twenty-eight members from the Prime 50 Club gathered for lunch at KoZak’s Laketown Grill in Smithville to hear about the Honor Flight Network of Kansas City.

Today’s speaker was Scott Sheridan. Scott is an Army veteran recently retired from after a 23 year career. He currently serves as the military liaison and volunteer coordinator for Honor Flight KC.

According to the Honor Flight KC website, “Honor Flight KC, the regional Hub of Honor Flight Network™, was established by five senior-serving organizations to celebrate veterans in the metro region. Honor Flight Network™ is a non-profit organization created for the sole purpose of thanking and honoring America’s veterans for all their sacrifices by flying our heroes to Washington, DC to visit and to reflect at their memorials,” (2013). There flights this year are scheduled for June 6, September 11, and November 11, 2014.

They encourage all veterans, in any health condition, to contact the honor flight KC, as they will do “whatever it takes to fulfill the dreams of veterans. Most importantly, heroes travel absolutely free. Top priority is given to the senior veterans; WWII survivors, along with those veterans that may be terminally ill,” (2013).

Also attending this Lunch & Learn were two veteran Honor Flight participants. Mr. D. Roy and Mr. L. Beigel were both WWII veterans. Mr. Roy flew to Washington in November 2013 and Mr. Beigel flew 3 or 4 years ago. Mr. Roy even wore his Honor Flight shirt to the Lunch & Learn. The back of his shirt read, “If you are able to read this thank a teacher… If you are reading it in English, thank a veteran.”

On behalf of Platte Valley Bank, we would like to thank all veterans for your
service to our country, our families, and our friends.

If you would like to learn more about learn more about Honor Flight KC, register a veteran to fly to Washington this year, or donate your time and treasure, please visit

The Prime 50 Lunch and Learn meets on the last Tuesday of each month. An area restaurant is chosen for members to meet, enjoy a delicious lunch and listen to an informative speaker. Next month's event is at Cook's Corner Cafe` in Dearborn with Lynn Cassity speaking on the history of Dearborn. RSVP to Linda at 816-746-7626 if you are interested in attending.

“Honor Flight Network of Kansas City.” (2014, March 25). Retrieved from









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